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Tom Wilson straightening his tie

A Conversation with Tom Wilson (continued)

PM: Have you done any acting, Tom?

TW: Yeah. I'm a terrible actor.

PM: [laughs]

TW: But my next wife, Cathy, wants me to start acting.

PM: Yeah, because you seem like a natural to me.

TW: Yeah, well, I guess I could be. The movies that I've been in have gone straight to video--

PM: Right. [laughs]

TW: So I mean, I'm not very encouraged by that part of it.

PM: But a lot of reasonably good movies do. Can any of them be found?

TW: Yeah. Well, I was in a Bob Dylan movie. I mean, I didn't have much of a part in the Bob Dylan movie. I had no speaking part--called Streets of Fire or Hearts of Fire. I forget what it was. Bob Dylan was in it. [Hearts of Fire, 1987] And then there was movie called Hurt Penguins I was in. I was the guy in the band. And I actually do have an acting part in that. But I went to say the lines--actually, I'm supposed to come off stage and go over to a table of girls and say, "Hey, we're all going back to Trudy's house, you know, why don't you come back with us?" Which, by the way, I've said a million times in my life.

PM: [laughs]

TW: And when I went to do it, my drummer was sitting at the table with the girls, right, acting, too, looking at me, and my mouth froze up. And he looked at me like--he thought I'd had a stroke--

PM: [laughs]

TW: --because I couldn't speak. Oh, my God, it was terrible. So that was another hot one. And then there was a movie called--well, Dolph Lundgren was in it.

PM: Oh, great...

TW: It was called--anyways, it was a big shoot-up movie. We're in a scene in a bar--I'm in a band, by the way. I'm a guy in a band. I got cast as that guy.

PM: You got typecast.

TW: Oh! Junkhouse is in that scene. And it's kind of a dirty scene where they come into a bar and they take all the gays and all the people of color and shoot them up against the wall.

PM: Nice.

TW: Nothing like that kind of excitement to build your career.

PM: [laughs]

TW: Now, that was called--damn--oh, Red Scorpion.

PM: Oh, oh, sure. I've seen it a million times. I've just never rented it because it had Dolph Lundgren in it.

TW: We were in Red Scorpion II.

PM: The real debacle, the sequel.

TW: Yeah. I can't even watch the movie. If I wasn't in the first five minutes of the movie, I'd never watch it.

PM: That's funny.

TW: It's terrible.

PM: Any place you like to go, exotic or otherwise, to leave it all behind?

TW: I'm doing that next week. Well, first of all, I've landed on my feet in such a way that my next wife is flying in with her daughter. And we get together with my ex-wife and her husband and my kids, and we all go away camping together. And we do that this weekend. We do that Victoria Day weekend every year. And then Cathy and I are flying to New Mexico. I've been dying to drive in the desert my entire life. I've never had a chance to do it. This is it.

PM: Wow.

TW: So I'm going to get away from it all, yeah.

PM: Well, I spent some time in New York recently with our friend Shawna Cooper. [www.momcantcook.com--a Merchandise/Mgt. Music Business Canadian I met at SXSW through the CD designer Michael Wrycraft.]

TW: Oh, yeah!

PM: And so I think I'm going to come up to Hillside. [The Hillside Festival in Guelph, outside Toronto, end of July. It's so good it sold out before the roster was announced!]

                 Guelph, Ontario

TW: Hey, that would be great, because we're all going to be there.

PM: Yeah, I want to check that out.

TW: I'm going to be there playing, and Cathy is going to be there doing something.

PM: Great. Well, I want to meet her, too. And I want to see you.

TW: Oh, she's a lovely gal. You know what? The more Newfoundlanders you can meet in your life, Frank, the better your life is going to be. That's all I can tell you.

PM: [laughs] Well, then, that's the bump I'm looking for, I'm sure.

TW: Yeah, man.

PM: Well, I wouldn't be surprised if our next conversation has to do with the next Blackie record. And it's a gas to talk to you today, Tom.

TW: Thanks, Frank. And you take care. And I'll see you at the end of July, in Guelph!

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read our interview with blackie & the rodeo kings

photo thanks to:

Russ Wilson (played bass in Junkhouse from 1989 to 1995)

David Wiewel  >  whitetrashink.com

Mark Maryanovich  >  maryanovich.com

Tom Wilson

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