Frank returned from this year's Folk Alliance
Conference, he sent us several batches of possible pictures for illustrating
his report. Along with the many images of musicians performing, there
were quite a few snapshots of people not playing. Though we eventually
chose to use only shots with an instrument in them, I grew fond of some
of these faces looking directly into the camera, musicians between shows.

They might've been old pals of his or people he'd only just met, you couldn't
tell from their expressions.
This woman really reminded me of people I used to know when I lived in
California (though she hails from Ohio). Her name is Angie
Eckstein (man of many talents) generously sent us a disc of his Folk Alliance
photos. This shot
Kathrin Shorr
was going to be on top of page 8 of the F.A. piece, but then we only made
didn't find a good spot for this picture of the Limeliters,
but I enjoyed the way they look like Vikings--like some kind of warriors
of Folk, giving their battle cry as they charge in.
Neale sent several of these nicely grainy black and whites. (And they
are much grainier and more "out" atmospherically before they
are reduced.)

I asked him if they were shot with high-speed film rather than digital,
but he explained that his digital has a night vision infrared filter.
The pictures originally turn out sort of green, and then he pulls the
saturation out of them and they wind up looking like this. continue