Born in L.A., he grew up in Nashville, art schooled in Chicago, and ended up back in L.A.'s Silver Lake neighborhood. He did a rock band for a while, then found his softer voice and a body of music came up around that. His eponymous EP (available on iTunes) is a transition between the modes and reveals the bridge. Catch The Brass Ring on Nettwerk is a self-produced, masterful debut. It's rare enough to find a credible singer songwriter from the Harry Nilsson school, with the showtune sensibility woven into a pop mentality. But he's got the unique voice for it, the way that Rufus does, and is likewise a strong instrumentalist, with a lucid and highly developed vision of how things should go. Our recent conversation portrays a singular character, but it is essentially in the music that he makes the most striking impression, small wonder. So we bid you go to the audio clips before, during and/or after the interview, to be on the correct channel. We think he's one of the exciting finds of the year.