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Sarah Borges

A Conversation with Sarah Borges

PM: And what's on the turntable, so to speak?

SB: Well, it's sort of actually the van table, would be more apt. I love the new John Doe record. I liked X because they were weird, and his record is--I don't even know what the hell you'd call it. There are a lot of good duets on it. It's called Forever Hasn't Happened Yet.

PM: Oh, that's a great title.

SB: Yeah. So I really liked that a lot. Do you know Phil Lee? He's a Nashville guy.

PM: He's a buddy of mine.

SB: Is he?

PM: Oh, yeah, definitely.

SB: We love his record, the Mighty King of Love. What's the line? "You should have known me then, before my life went down the tubes, I woke up every morning with my head between two boobs." [laughter] You're kidding me! Awesome!

PM: Yeah, he's an amazing dude.

SB: I was just picking Robbie Fulks' brain about him. I guess he played with Bill Kirchen a while ago on the same show that we just did.

PM: Wow, Bill is an old friend of mine from Marin County. I haven't seen him in many years. We're way overdue on covering him.

SB: He was there, I guess. And I hope I'm getting the pairing right. I know that even if they didn't do it together, they both have done that XM show recently. But Robbie just sort of had some cool little details to share. And then we met this sound guy in Raleigh, North Carolina. That's how we got the record. We had heard all these mystical stories about Phil Lee. And we mentioned him to this sound guy, and he said, "Yeah, man, I've seen him. He's played this club. His pants are so tight we have to help him up on stage. We have to use a hand dolly." And then he gave us a copy of Mighty King of Love, which we proceeded to listen to for the rest of the country.

PM: I can't wait to tell Phil.

SB: Well, here's the next part. When we got home, Mike Castellana went and got his new record. And one night we came home drunk from a show, where we had been talking about Phil Lee incessantly. And Mike got on the computer and drunken dialed, but in e-mail format, it's like, "I love you, I love your songs," all this crap.


SB: And Phil Lee emailed him back the next day. And they started this little correspondence. And Phil Lee even like sent him his phone number.

PM: He's an incredibly funny guy, off the disc, too. And his wife is very straight-laced looking, incredibly cute, and I think is a financial manager or high level accountant. They're an excellent pair.

Tell me, are you what might be called a spiritual person?

SB: I am, I would say so. I don't necessarily subscribe to a lot of organized religion, but I think I have my own personal spiritual space that I occupy, definitely.

PM: Yeah. Are you oriented toward any path in particular?

SB: Not really. I was raised a Unitarian, so I think I was raised in sort of one of the most accepting religions--you know, come one, come all, was the church philosophy. I didn't go to church as a youngster, but my mom certainly taught me that the Bible is a piece of literature, and should be treated as such.

PM: That's an enlightened idea, in my opinion.

SB: Yeah. She believes that very spiritual things happen, and in little miracles, and in little sweet things that happen in your life that are like little guiding lights.

PM: I think some of those are taking place in your life.

SB: I hope so, definitely. I mean, I feel like sometimes you work really hard, and it sort of seems like it could be for not, like that you see that maybe coming at the end of the pike, and then something happens that you makes you feel gratified. And I guess if you were truly spiritual, the work in and of itself would be enough. So I'm not quite that enlightened yet.

PM: Well, you're so presentable looking and--

SB: Gee, thanks.


PM: --and the band is so explosive--no, really, you're terrifically cute, and the band is so good that really, obviously what needs to happen is that you need to go on TV. So has that happened yet, or is that about to happen?

SB: We're trying. We got a Hollywood Reporter piece, that was a plus for us, and sort of it turned up excerpted in a lot of national papers. It was in the Boston Herald and Chicago Tribune, among others. So if we could just get a few more of those… I feel like that would be the next morph for the whole thing.

PM: Thanks for your time today. I think you're just really fantastic.

SB: Well, I certainly hope to see you sooner rather than later. We're going to try to come back to Nashville in the next couple of months. So when we do, please be advised I will be calling you up.

PM: Hope so, see you then.

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Catherine Carter
Kelly Davidson
Larry Sampson
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