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Pat McLaughlin
NEXT FIVE MILES (Cream Style) • Pat McLaughlin

How on earth can I tell you how incredible Pat McLaughlin is? I never start reviews this way, but I make an exception here. Please go to the clips, and listen to the man do his deep and funky thing. I've heard him described by a musician I admire as the greatest rhythm guitar player on the planet. He's also an amazing songwriter, singer, and a unique front man. The way he holds himself, holds the audience, and uses the stage is original.

The prophet is seldom recognized in his hometown. In Nashville, where he has been established as one of the funkiest, greatest white R&B men that ever stalked our stages, his gigs are sparser than his artistic stature or his awesome prowess demands. That's because he's been around a long time, everyone knows how great he is, and his diehard fans are busy with their own things and their families and such. And the young crowd, they largely don't know who this musical giant is. We're very proud to bring you his new CD, this is his fourth solo. (His solo debut bears a title that's one of my favorites, Get Out and Stay Out.)

Pat's so understated, purposely or otherwise, that you can't even find out more about him at his own website! You can buy his CDs, get a sentence or two of news, or catch one of the few performances listed, if you're lucky. I caught one here recently, at 3rd & Lindsley. Three of my favorite musicians ever were backing him up--the greatest of musicians love to play with Pat. Michael Rhodes was on bass, Eddie Bayers on drums, and Kenny Greenberg was playing guitar. I wished that every friend I'd ever had who really gave a shit about what music was for could've been there, that's the kind of mystical funk power that was coming off that stage all night. And I screamed myself hoarse, as I frequently do at a Pat show. I laughed my ass off too, because there are times you can't believe the groove that's going down, and you just have to laugh...

Pat's been opening shows for John Prine lately, playing solo. He's great at that too, the man's got real soul power, and throws it down, naked to the world. And he doesn't use a lot of fancy words to do it, though he's as good a lyricist as anybody in this town. I've seen him play five minute songs that I couldn't get out of my head for weeks that only seemed to have a line or two of lyric, like "Baby ain't got no home, Baby she ain't got no home..."

Pat is on the short list of amazing artists that we have seen. Do get on to this R&B wonder on the clips page, and buy it, for sure, here. • FG

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