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HARDWOOD FLOORS   •   Jonathan Kingham

This is simply lush, beautiful folk pop at its best, very radio friendly to boot. Women beware, I dare you not to fall in love with this cat. On top of his considerable good looks and charming personality, his spirit is something truly special. I met him one time at a friend's party, and he made a deep impression on me. After I played a song, he plopped right down in front of me with his axe and said, "Wow, man, let's play some jams!" Some jams, indeed. This was a folk music kinda party, and he realized that although we were both among friends, we were each a little out of our musical element. We lost track of each other after that, but I'm grateful that through this lovely record he popped back into my life.

His voice is soulfully alluring, it's an intimate experience. He's someone you want to know. The players are absolutely top shelf, especially noteworthy is the stellar production by expert drummer Lorne Entress, it's a gem. It's hard to believe that a project this daunting took place in a mere five days. The contributions of guitarist Duke Levine and keyboardist Joey Barbato are above and beyond the call of duty, both guys are fabulous. And I love the feel of Jim Lamond's bass, always the right thing at the right time. Kingham himself is a very funky and inventive guitarist, there's never enough of that going around in acoustic world.

Jonathan Kingham has huge crossover potential, and I hope he ends up a big pop artist, he's in that class. He won the USA Songwriting Competition this year, and all aspiring songwriters need this CD in their collection. Hell, everybody needs it in their collection.     • FG


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Jonathan K