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Kami Lyle

A Conversation with Kami Lyle (continued)

PM: So aside from Passions, have you been successful in landing some tunes in other film or TV places?

KL: Yeah. And I can never remember what they are. But let me think. [asking Joey]

PM: I might find that information on the site, right, if I looked? [And so can you, right here.]

KL: Yes, you would. There was a song in a Kevin Costner baseball movie. It's a song I wrote with Sting's drummer years ago, Manu Katche.

PM: And you wrote that with him at one of those Castle Retreats, right?

KL: No, it was even before that, I think. Yeah, it was pretty early on. He played on the first album, and it was shortly after that, he asked if I would co-write with him, and come over to France and sing on it. So it was really fun, and it was great to see France.

PM: Hell, yeah.

KL: I had a couple of days to wander around alone, and I learned a lot of French.

PM: So it's fantastic that there's a new record out. And I know that it's available at your site and at CDBaby. Are you guys formulating any other plans for it, any other ways to move it around? I know you'll sell it at gigs. Somebody has got to get you on TV. That's what's got to happen.

KL: I would love that. You know what my career needs is one good wardrobe malfunction.

PM: Yeah, you're a wardrobe malfunction away from being a household word.

KL: [laughs] That's exactly right. Or if one of those--oops--sex tapes gets out. But we haven't made any yet, so that might take a while.

PM: Yeah, well, you ought to get right on that.

KL: I could draw pictures.

PM: Yeah. [laughs] That's a start. That's a start.

KL: [laughs]

PM: So what do you see coming up, and where are you setting your sights?

KL: For right now I'm kind of relaxing a little bit and taking time to write some more now that the summer is over, kind of get back on a more regular writing every morning kind of thing.

PM: That's the best time.

KL: Yeah, it works really well for me. And let's see. Oh, I want to start playing--part of the reason we moved up here is because it's such a great location as far as being nearby so many cool little spaces that are just a drive away. And seriously, we would love to find a proper label for this record, and also to find the right agent to book what we're doing. So we're looking for help with any of that.

PM: Right.

KL: I definitely want to start playing the New England states, all of them.

PM: Playing the urban areas, and all the colleges, and all that stuff.

KL: Yeah.

PM: Yeah, because you're just a stones throw from New York, Boston, Philadelphia and all that stuff.

KL: It excites me. Oh, and I really, really want to be on Passions. And I've written a couple ideas for characters that I could be, but I don't want to jinx it.

PM: Are you going to propose it to your friends on the show?

KL: Well, I don't know. I don't want to be pushy.

PM: Well, it's all how you serve it up. I'll bet you could think of a way to put it across. You're a very persuasive character. Well, I'm going to tell everybody I know about Ten Songs.

KL: Oh, well, thanks.

PM: And we're happy to have you on the cover.

KL: [laughs] Thanks, Frank. Oh--and in the meantime, I'm studying to be a bartender. But maybe you shouldn't print that. What do you think?

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Chris Blood
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