Guy Clark


PM: What about the spiritual side of life? Any special inclinations in that domain?

GC: Oh, just try to do the best work you can.

PM: Yeah.

GC: Sit up straight and be responsible.

PM: [laughs] There's got to be--well, I've seen eighty, but there's probably more like a hundred covers of your songs, right?

GC: I would guess. I really have no idea.

PM: That's got to be a mighty gratifying validation of your work.

GC: Well, of course. I mean, that's a large part of what I do. What I set out to do was write songs that people would do. I do them, of course, but they're out there for anyone to do.

PM: Is that the lion's share of the income, or is it gigging and writing half and half?

GC: Well, it used to be, but not any more. I haven't had any songs recorded in a while.

PM: Why, I can't imagine.

GC: Well, I don't know. Things change. And I guess I'm a little lazy at pursuing it. I have a publishing company that's supposed to be doing it.

PM: But they never do.

GC: Well, I would rather not speak to that. [laughs]

PM: Many good songwriters tell me they've gotten most of their own cuts.

GC: That's usually the way it works. But anyway, I love playing and I love singing, and the writing. There's kind of a symbiotic relationship between the writing and the playing. I have no reason to sit home and write songs all day without going out and playing for the folks. And I have no reason to go play for the folks unless I'm writing new songs--

PM: Absolutely.

GC: --so they can sort of feed off one another. And I just try to do the best I can.

PM: You do damn well. It's ironic that what many of us think is real or traditional country is now one of the faces of alternative country.

GC: Yeah, really. [laughs]

PM: Do you think, in the natural ebb and flow of things, that the more traditional sound will return to the airwaves in time, or is it done?

GC: I have no idea. Things change all the time, and they'll probably never be the same again. It's just the natural evolution of the human condition. Things change, and whatever it is is what it is. I mean, you try to start second guessing that, you either get rich or die broke. [laughs]

PM: I guess you could just sit with a cup of coffee in the morning and write a song, and the rest is just bullshit.

GC: Yeah.

PM: So I'm really looking forward to seeing you with Mary Gauthier at the Belcourt on October 23rd.

GC: Yeah, she's great.

PM: So you're acquainted with her stuff?

GC: Yeah, we've played a lot of gigs together. She's really wonderful.

PM: Well, I won't go on and on. Thanks for taking the time to visit with me today.

GC: You're so welcome. Thanks for calling.

PM: Yeah. And I look forward to meeting you in person sometime.

GC: All right, man.

PM: Okay, Guy. Take care.

GC: Thanks. Bye.

Guy Clark  
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