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Ben Taylor

A Conversation with Ben Taylor (continued)

PM: So are there short-term goals that you guys are aiming at right at the moment?

BT: We just want to get our music around to as many people as we can. Spread the word, get the love.

PM: Are you enjoying the Dar slot?

BT: Yeah, I love Dar. I love her music and I love her band.

PM: Is Michael Visceglia on the bass currently?

BT: Yeah, he is. Steve Holly on drums--from Wings, for God sakes.

PM: Oh, Lord in heaven.

BT: We got new mattresses?

Man's voice: Yeah, baby.

BT: I just got on my bus, which is full of mattresses, wow.

PM: [laughs]

BT: I really do love the Dar band. They're phenomenal people, they're great to be touring with, and they accept us clowning around and having a lot of fun with them.

PM: One last question: What are you reading at the moment?

BT: A lot of poetry. A lot of Rainer Maria Rilke. I just got a Popular Science magazine, and I've been reading articles about what's going on in the scientific community. And I'm also reading--actually I'm on my third lap through a series of 20 novels about the war between the English and the French in the 1800s. They're my favorite books pretty much.

PM: What are they called?

BT: They're these books by Patrick O'Brian. And there are 20 of them, so they all have different names. And I'm literally on my third lap through this series of 20. I'm on the third one again, but--

PM: [laughs] Unbelievable.

BT: Yeah. I'll be reading these for the rest of my life, that's what I decided.

PM: Holy shit.

BT: It's like movies that you watch again and again and again because you love them so much.

PM: Well, it's enlightening to talk to you, and I enjoyed the hell out of your music, Ben. And it's a wonderful band that you have. I hope you'll check out Puremusic.com.

BT: I definitely will, man.

PM: And we'll be spreading the gospel of Ben and the boys.

BT: Good for you, man. Anything you can do to get the word out will be a great asset to us.

PM: And I hope to see you tonight.

BT: I hope so, too. Thank you, brother.

PM: Thank you, Ben. Take care.

Ben Taylor  
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