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Greetings from the road

Dear Frank,
It's a trash can roller of a wind out there....yesterday I got a half inch boilerplate of ice on my truck driving in to Detroit....a bit of a white knuckle drive....Today it was 60* until dark and now it's blowing a blizzard. After friday, it's a long road until I get back home, what else to do? All the gigs I'd given up on came through with offers, including the theater I proposed the premiere of the play to....My album release date is April 24th and we assume that to be solid. I'm told I'll have product shipped to meet me in the middle of Wisconsin in the middle of next week. Oh but I really do love dive motels, I can't explain it, and I love highway rest stops and I can sleep anywhere even if I have to do it sitting up, go figure, I was made for this life. How are you?
Tired too tired too tired, falling down now....
Annie                                            next