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Amy Rigby

A Conversation with Amy Rigby (continued)

PM: Another collaboration on the record is with a guy that we both dig a lot, and that's Bill Lloyd. "Shopping Around," that's a super song.

AR: Thanks. Bill--actually I talked to him today, he just did a little tour for the First Amendment Center. He said he got on the bus, and this great sounding track was blasting out, and he said, "Oh, what's this?" And then he realized it was our song! [laughs] He'd kind of forgotten already. But yeah, I thought it turned out really great--it really sounded so good from his little home studio. I mean, he does great stuff there.

PM: Ahh, you cut that at Bill's?

AR: Uh-huh. Well, we did the drums at Steve Allen's, and then we took that over to Bill's.

PM: Your tunes are so cinema-ready. You seeing much of that action yet?

AR: Through the years I've had a little bit of that. In fact, and this is kind of crazy, but The Real World did a license for the new album. I guess they're using some of the songs on The Real World.

PM: Is that an MTV show?

AR: Yeah.

PM: I've never seen it or anything.

AR: Well, it's kind of funny because it's about, like, twenty-year-olds. But they really like the record a lot, so that's good.

PM: Wow.

AR: But, yeah, I hope that Hollywood will snap something up, or TV. So much of that kind of thing is just about crossing paths with the right person on the right day.

PM: Truly it is.

AR: That's really how a lot of that stuff happens.

PM: I've heard tell of a music magazine that's in the planning stages by guys from Spin and Vibe, tentatively called Good Music, for people over thirty.

AR: Wow.

PM: I'm excited to think how a person like you could fit into that scheme.

AR: Yeah, I hope that comes to pass.

PM: Because I just think that finding pop music for grownups is really, really important, and as many people as we've touted in that regard, you're top of the list. We think that your music is really important for people over thirty--it's good for anybody, but I think it's more than that, it's really important for people who are grown up.

AR: That magazine sounds great. Do you think young people will read it too, or...?

PM: I think it depends on how they market themselves.

AR: Right.

PM: Like when the Lifetime Channel says, "It's for women," do men watch it? I doubt it. I certainly don't. That would be enough for me to go, "Yeah, right."

AR: So if the magazine's advertising is for Depends or something--

PM: Oh my.


AR: Hang on, let me think of something better than that--Rogaine, how about that?

PM: Right.

AR: Or what's that sort of estrogen, like hormone replacement therapy.


AR: That's probably it--yeah, that'll kind of be the key, who's going to advertise in the magazine.

PM: Yeah, the computer companies will go crazy. And cars.

AR: Well, you'd hope so. But I mean, Frank, well, what about us?


AR: I don't know about you, but I've never shopped for a new car.

PM: Yeah, right. No, I'm not in the market currently.

AR: So it's almost like--couldn't they take it down a few notches and just make it--

PM: Yeah, let's talk about books and CDs.

AR: Yeah. Not so upscale.

PM: Well, the more I know you and your music, the better I like the both of them, and it's really a pleasure to share you with our readers today.

AR: Oh, well, thanks.

PM: Thanks for your time today, Amy.

AR: Okay, Frank, see you soon.

[Scenic tour: The pictures in which Amy is aglow with that gorgeous soft light were taken by ace photographer & designer Brydget Carrillo. Page 4 features a brown-toned detail from Amy's current press shot by Glen Rose (whose website is like the Cadillac of photographer sites). We were lucky to acquire some live photos from intrepid concert shooter Andy Warren (fans of Aimee Mann in particular should swing by his site). A search for photos showing Amy's more rockin side naturally led us to Marc Hirsh. Some of Marc's images of Amy originally appeared in his 2000 interview with Ms. Rigby for the hip Houston-based zine Space City Rock.]

Amy Rigby  
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