PM: So are either of you guys what might be called spiritually inclined or politically inclined folks? SH: Yeah, I think so. KS: For sure. PM: Which? Are you more on the spiritual side or political? SH: Spiritual, yeah, I would say. KS: Oh, yeah. SH: For sure. PM: Yeah, I feel that. SH: Yeah. PM: What about reading? Do you guys make time for that in your busy lives? SH: Oh, yeah, I try to read a lot. I love reading. I love reading poetry. I love reading everything. I love escaping any chance I get. PM: If there's any books that turned either of you on lately, the readers always like to hear about that, as do I. SH: Well, I'm in the middle of reading Abundance, which is the story of Marie Antoinette--one of the many. But this one in particular is so beautifully written. I cannot put it down. It's really, really good. The author's name is Sena Jeter Naslund. And I just finished reading The Frida Kahlo Story, because we actually went to Mexico City not too long ago, so it was really fun to get into her space before going there. PM: Wow! Did you like Mexico City? KS: It was wonderful. SH: Yeah! It was great. Everybody spooked the pants off of us that it was this big scary place, and watch out, and we're going to get robbed and raped, and it was like, Jesus! And we got there and it's just a cool city. KS: It's wonderful. Yeah, European flavor. PM: Ah, I've not been to that city in some years, but I'm itching to get back to Mexico. SH: Oh, it's really cool, and it's so cultured and so metropolitan. KS: Modern, too, and everything mixed in together. SH: The food rocks, too. PM: Wow, did you get outside the city, like San Miguel, or did you go to the beach or any of that? KS: No, no. SH: No. We were just on a short little visit. PM: You were looking for the urban hit. KS: Yeah. SH: [laughs] Yeah. We got to do some beeping out there. It was pretty cool. PM: Holy jeez. Now you make we want to go. So you will be coming, anyway, as close as Atlanta, then? SH: Yes, absolutely. We'll be in Atlanta. PM: Okay. Well, I'm going to look for you guys there, and I'll get in contact before I come, because I want to meet you. I really love your music. KS: We'd like that, that would be really cool. PM: I love your music, and I really appreciate your time today. And I look to having both of your pretty faces on the cover. KS: Wow. SH: Oh, wow, well thank you. We can't wait to see that. That's really a great opportunity. PM: I'll be sure to drop you a line and let you know when the issue is up. And thanks again for your time today, too. Really-- KS: Thank you. You're wonderful. You're a great interviewer. SH: Yeah, very cool. PM: Thanks. I really enjoyed meeting you.